First, we spent most of the rest of last year preparing for DH to deploy to the 'sandbox'. I spent the time making lists of things I wanted to accomplish while he was gone (with underlying fear and anticipation wearing on my nerves). DH spent the time fortifying the house so that BG & I would be safe and secure. New square foot gardens went in and a fence was built, home repairs done and 'retirement' planned so that all the major bills were paid off and we could live debt free.
DS#2 and family visited for a few weeks and we were able to cuddle the (then) newest granddaughter. They had another daughter shortly after returning to Germany. Presenting Lillie Denise!

The garden produced in abundance and we canned pickles, green beans and butternut squash. Tomatoes were harvested and frozen. I bought a new pressure canner, an Excalibur dehydrator and a vacuum sealer. Onions, carrots, potatoes and apples were dehydrated and stored. We discovered Jack Spirko's podcast: and listened for ideas we could incorporate into our lives.

Summer and fall passed far too quickly and soon we were saying goodbye. DH to go to final training and BG and myself to return home to a much emptier house.
Next up was our annual ThanksBirthHanuMas party in December. I knit fingerless mitts for the 3 older girls and tucked in gift cards for Bath & Body Works. The hit of the party was the array of Screaming Slingshot monkeys, cows, chickens, pigs and ducks that were whizzing around.
Then the new year. It started off with a bang...or rather, a sickness. I was awakened in the night by a call for help from BG and walked into her bedroom to find she had been sick. I then backed out quickly, calling for her to wrap up everything in the sheets and sent her in to shower. She proceeded to be sick for most of the week, sleeping on the couch as I tossed her mattress and bed frame into the garbage! ( was that bad!) Repainting her room had been on my list of things to do in the spring, but spring was too far away. So we cleaned, sorted, painted and assembled a new trundle bed with a new mattress.
Spring brought a new addition to the family. My first great-granddaughter.

New garden went in in the spring and is producing peppers, tomatoes, peas, carrots, beets and corn...all of which have been processed as they become ripe.
Knitting has been done. A couple of finished projects:

A couple of crocheted market bags

Out of Cheese (a MMario design)

and a pair of fingerless mitts in Steeler colors for dd#2
We have a few Yellow Ribbon and FRG events over the year. Sciatic troubles for me slowed things down on the home plans I had, but things are getting better. Now we are in full scurry mode in anticipation of DH's return. Thank heaven for email and instant messaging that has allowed us to stay in touch. All is well. Looking forward to having my man home safe and sound.