Saturday, November 3, 2007

back to 'normal'??

DS is back in Germany, DH is off for his reserve weekend and BG is sick, lying on the couch with some tea and videos.
When I walked (ok ..stumbled) down for the morning coffee, I realized how badly I had let the house go this past week in order to enjoy DS's visit. Sooooo..I sprang into action. (after I checked emails, my groups in Ravelry, got a second cup of coffee and generally poo-pooed around) Logged onto my Flylady chats for inspiration and a good kick in the franny, washed clothes, stripped and remade the bed and generally freshened up the house. Now I can go knit with a peaceful mind. I even started a big crock of chili!
Got "Eldest" from the library on cd to listen to, reserved Terry Pratchett's new one to listen to next week. I love listening to audiobooks. Seems if I have to read an actual printed one, nothing else gets done. So this way I can clean, knit, my heart's content.
Found a couple of new groups on Ravelry to join.
One specifically for Pratchett cool is that!!!! AND another for audiobooks! ahhh..there's something in there for everyone.
Another group I joined is for Wednesday Night Knitters...this is too cool! While our little group knits at Luck Bros, there is a similar group knitting in BC, Canada. Sort of makes a bit of a sisterhood thing going.

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