Man, I gotta get a working digital camera! Mine is acting to weird. You push the button and hold real still for about 4 seconds til you hear the click. I got several pictures of blurry floor before I figured out that it wasn't actually taking the picture when I pushed the button.
Anyway, finished my Fawkes socks last Wednesday after our knitter's group. They look and feel wonderful (if I say so myself). In place of a photo of the socks themselves ( here is a pic of the yarn from the Wollmeise yarn shop
So as not to reduce the number of ongoing projects, I started a sweater for dh.
I need a few projects to take with me on a trip next week, so the Nagini socks, the sweater (for those mindless knitting times), some fingerless gloves I just started and the BBS are being packed
Reading...well, actually listening to... "Mistress of the Art of Death" for the audiobook club in Ravelry. I am one book behind, but have "The Handmaiden's Tale" here to 'read' after this one.
Also got Terry Pratchett's new one "Making Money" to listen to in the car.
Audio books are favorites around here. I can clean, knit, whatever while enjoying.
I have reduced the number of possible patterns down to 6 (giggle) that I think I might use for the other skein of Wollmeise. I have heard alot of people say they like the Jaywalker pattern, but I have this really nice blue/black wool I bought at Knitter's Merchantile that would look good for those. I would tell you what the yarn is, but the shop wound it for me and the tag fell out and I can't find it! I realized I need to use it soon though. Its very tightly wound!!
Off for another fun day of cleaning, packing, and general trip readiness!
Only 6? I can't wait to see what you decide on. Will you be at knitting on Wednesday????????
Oh man, I love The Handmaid's Tale (it's the one by Atwood, right?). It's on the banned books list though, so you know it's a little risqué.
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