Saturday, October 6, 2007

Dark Mark Illusion Scarves

YEAH!!!.. Finished the scarves last night at the Girl's night out. Met with a couple of my Wednesday night knitters and also met a few new ladies. One was a true HP fan and gave a rousing approval of the scarves. (see "Update" post for link to pattern).
Babygirl spent the night at her aunt's so dh and I had the house to ourselves....mmmm. But Fate stepped in in the form of a clogged drain in the bathroom, and in the process of getting out the plunger, I tipped the shelves that are behind the toilet and got whacked in the head with a bottle of massage oil. The resulting pain and lump meant that..instead of romance..I got a backrub while I held a bag of ice on my head and cried. Such is Fate. (for more info on Fate..see Terry Pratchett's Discworld series of books)
Speaking of Discworld... (giggle) If you haven't read any of these wonderfully funny books, may I suggest that you check your local library for anything by Terry Pratchett. The first of the series is entitled "The Colour of Magic" and there are 30 books in the series (thus far). My son introduced me to the books by telling me about "Thud!" which turned out to be book #30. Being somewhat compulsive, I looked for all the books at the library and started with book 1. I then found them on audio at and now own all 30 books plus a couple of extras such as "Going Postal". Pratchett writes fantasy/comedy and as you are laughing over one of his statements, you realize..Hey, that's actually quite profound! (for a rundown on all the gods Discworld and check out Wikipedia)


Bean Counting Knitter said...

I witnessed the scarves coming off the needles Friday night. They rock! Way to go.... We want pictures we want pictures. :-)

Betty said...

Yay! Two presents finished at once. That must feel nice.