Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Lions and Tigers and Bears..Oh My!

well...not really those things...but sometimes feels like I am being chased this week.
Took a trip to visit son and daughter last weekend with our other son while he is home on leave. Walked around Mosquito Lake for a while and enjoyed the warm fall day and peaceful atmosphere. Then it was back home to hectic cleaning and getting paperwork ready for BG's adoption home study, packing an emergency bag in case daughter goes into labor before her due date, reminding people that they owe letters of recommendation for the adoption, and generally frying my brain trying to remember all the things we need to do.
Finished the first Fawkes sock and it looks great (if I say so myself). Cast on the 2nd and have the ribbing just about done. Will work more on it tonight at my knitting group.
Added another inch to each of the BBS I am making for Socks for Soldiers. Almost have the gusset stitches reduced.
Speaking of SFS...our Sarge Kim Opperman has been nominated for Microsoft's Above and Beyond Awards for grassroots efforts in support of our troops. Of the 400+ nominated, she made it to the final 15 ... 3 nominees in each of 5 categories. There are some outstanding people out there and it is gratifying to read their efforts. If you would like to vote:
You can vote up to 5 times for each category.

1 comment:

Bean Counting Knitter said...

Keeping positive and happy thoughts and energy around the adoption! It will all work out.... :-)