Another year is in progress and I have been so bad about posting. I have a few reasonable excuses...well, reasonable to me.
Have a new granddaughter (#13 in line-up) born Nov 15th. I went up to be with son and dd-i-l at the hospital and as labor progressed, dd-i-l asked everyone to stay. Out of the 13 grandkids, this is the first that I actually got to see being born and it was amazing! Granted, I was present for the births of my own 4, but was a little occupied to view the process. Leeve came into the world at 7 lbs, 12 1/2 ozs and is nursing well, putting on weight, and generally causing lost sleep and miles of walking as most newborns do.
Family Christmas gathering was at dd#2's this year and not all the kids could make it. Still, we had a good time, exchanged gifts, ate way too much and generally laughed ourselves silly. Christmas day was spent at dh's parents' home as usual. It was nice, quiet and I actually got a little knitting in.
New Year's Eve, BG stayed up with me to watch the ball drop. DH even came out of the basement long enough to say Happy New Year and to exchange kisses. New Year's Day, BG and I went to dd#2's to watch the parade and snack. We also started stripping the wallpaper off her living room...which may have led to the events of the next 3 days.
Jan 2: dgs#11 (in the grandkid line-up) decides to puke.
Jan 3: dgd#8 pukes.
Jan 4: I puke, BG pukes, dd#2 pukes, but is busy cleaning up puke from her dh, dgd#3 and dgs#6. dgs#4 is visiting his real mom for the weekend...pukes, followed closely by his mom.
10 people in 3 days...I think we set a record of some sort.
Jan 6: dd#3 wants to know if I disinfected the entire house before she brings the babies over for me to watch....uh...NO. Babies show up with snotty noses and coughs.
Jan 8: Babies are now puking, so I go to dd's house to watch them instead of bringing them here. sigh..
So here it is: Jan 12th. I think we are all fairly healthy, dd#2 has repainted her living room, I saw my only marble over the holidays, but I lost it again.
Oh yeah, knitting! QAL still going, scarf for sis-i-l who mentioned she would like to have one for Christmas (on Thanksgiving), Mystery Socks.
Ankh-Morpork Knitters Guild News: The Igor Thwap has started over at Ravelry. I am a swap-moderator virgin, but don't think I am doing too bad. 46 showed interest, 42 returned the questionaire and were paired off.
Let the lithping begin! (insert evil laugh, thunder and lightning here). Now where did I put that thpare body part?